Muchos dicen que el leopardo ya está pasado de moda. Puede ser que ya esté muy visto pero sin duda se ha convertido en un imprescindible sobretodo en complementos. Queda mejor cuando llevas sólo un complemento animal print. Si lo llevas en los zapatos intenta que el resto del look sea más bien sobrio. Si llevas un vestido intenta que los complementos sean de un sólo color que combine. Encuentra el estampado animal que más te favorezca puesto que siempre nos aportará un poco de volumen. Aquí os dejamos unas muestras que a nosotras nos encantan!
Many say that the leopard is already outdated. You may already be too seen but it certainly has become a must especially in accessories. It is best when you have only a supplement animal print. If you carry on shoes try the rest of the look is rather sober. If you try to wear a dress that supplements are of a single color to match. Find the animal print that suits you as we always bring some volume. Here you have some samples to us that we love!
Many say that the leopard is already outdated. You may already be too seen but it certainly has become a must especially in accessories. It is best when you have only a supplement animal print. If you carry on shoes try the rest of the look is rather sober. If you try to wear a dress that supplements are of a single color to match. Find the animal print that suits you as we always bring some volume. Here you have some samples to us that we love!
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